first day of school
fifth and first grade
mass confusion
kids crying
teacher confirming things through walkie talkies
it was like busting someone
out of a minimum security prison
I was walking down a hallway
and a lady barked at me
that I was entering a "restricted area"
got to me to thinking about
my own experiences in the fifth grade
we had an "open campus"
at noon
we would cross a busy highway
to granny stephen's fried chicken
or head up town to this place
that sold fish and ice cream
what a combo...
guess this is turning into
one of those 'when I was a kid' tales
times were different
I guess
underneath a truck tire
was about the only 'restricted area'
we had
my youngest did learn a pretty
cool trick in science today
poking pencils through a bag
filled with water
all home safe and sound
and the quietness of the house
in the afternoon was not lost on me